Prepare Your Building for the end of Daylight-Saving Time
On Sunday, November 6th most of us will enjoy an extra hour of sleep as we change the clocks and “Fall Back”. Yet if you own a business or manage properties, there will be more than just clocks you’ll need to tend to.
Most businesses rely on accurate timekeeping to run efficiently. Additionally, the fall season signals the beginning of harsh weather conditions when electricity and gas consumption tend to increase. Being prepared for this can save your business substantial dollars. Here are some helpful tips to help save and drive efficiency as we get ready for the change in time.
- Natural lighting will not be as prevalent as the days become shorter. Make sure indoor lighting is ready for everyone’s comfort and safety. And if you don’t have it already, consider LED lighting. It offers exceptional benefits.
- Make sure your alarm panel is set to the right time. Double check in the morning…just in case. If you’re setting your system manually and need help, don’t hesitate to contact us for help as all systems are different.
- Test smoke and fire alarm systems.
- Inspect all security systems and motion detectors. Remember that LEDs are fully compatible with motion sensors or other safety features and turn on and off repeatedly without draining power.
- Check your timers and sensors here too. And if your property lighting is controlled manually, now’s a great time to improve on efficiency and consider new automation technology. We can help.
- Make sure you have adequate lighting that provides bright illumination to minimize shadows and dark areas. Now is also the time to replace burnt-out lights.
Video and access control equipment often have internal clocks and the time may need to be set manually.
In Conclusion
Mark your calendar for March 12, 2023, when sunshine will once again grace our days with the start of Daylight-Saving Time. In the meantime, there may be brighter days entering our futures. Earlier this year, the Senate Unanimously passed legislation – The Sunshine Protection – that would make daylight saving time permanent. The measure still needs to pass the House and be signed by the President before fully approved, but it would certainly help to eliminate the constant need to change clocks and set alarms. Of course, Benson Electrical is here to help, so don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’re here to help businesses of all size deal with seasonal changes that could impact their facilities.
Categories: Hints and Tips Date: November 1, 2022